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spiritualist in benin city

The work you done on evil spirit it's unbelievable. Unlike many western religious beliefs, Yoruba spirituality emphasizes living a good life; reincarnation is part of the process and is something to be looked forward to. People here do not stick needles into dolls to cause misfortune to their enemies, as you see in some Western films - this image may have arisen from the icons of a particular god which a priest may have in their shrine. I wandered the city's caramel-coloured, sandy streets, noting sumptuous architectural landmarks such as the Portuguese Fort built in 1721 to administer slave transportations, and Afro-Brazilian mansions of emancipated slaves returning from the Americas. The client purchases ingredients as determined by the diviner, and the diviner prepares and executes the sacrifice, accompanied by sung and chanted prayer. Christianity entered Benin during the late 16th century. The belief that the dead communicate with the living, as through a medium. The Vodun worship believes in a divine Creator known as Mawu or Mahu a female being who gave birth to seven children and gave them dominion over seven different realms of nature. Once again I was being swept along by a society offering a magical snapshot of life and beliefs before European Christianity arrived. As reported by This is Africa, Benin's walls provided a border around the empire and boundaries for its villages for over 400 years before they were destroyed in the British invasion. Across Africa, the practice of divination is a way of knowing that is widely used and . The walls around the perimeter of the kingdom were also surrounded by deep moats, which provided Benin with another degree of protection, The Guardian reports Benin's walls were "four times longer than the Great Wall of China, and consumed a hundred times more material than the Great Pyramid of Cheops," and reportedly took the Edo people an "estimated 150 million hours" to complete. However, by the dawn of the new century, the Edo people began clearing the rainforest and eventually building homes on the land. In 1974, the Guinness Book of Records recognized the historic Benin City for its extensive network of walls, which surrounded the entire kingdom and divided it into nearly 500 separate villages. In human cultures in general, and perhaps particularly in Africa, the landscape is the first shrine of tradition. Thanks to the kindness and co-operation of the Chief Executive of the Hospitals Management Board, Dr. M. A. Osumah, and the Secretary, Mr Ofure Oriafor, the grave was located. In a local compound where ripening calabash fruits aped basketballs, Remi wangled me into a family ceremony of ancestor worship: Egungun. Roman Catholicism is by far the largest religious group in Benin and is followed closely by Islam and Vodun. Updates? The Benin Empire was ultimately destroyed during the Benin Punitive Expedition of 1897. Some simply scared the crowd. Benin is a religiously diverse country consisting of Atheism and Agnosticism which accounts for 7% of the population, West African folk religions and traditional beliefs aside from Vodun which accounts for 6% of Benin's population and Eckankar, Baha'i faith and other beliefs accounting for 3% of the country's population. In addition to being the fourth-largest city in Nigeria, Benin is the largest city in Edo state. Spiritual healing can be very empowering for the client, as there is a desire on the healers part to enable each person to heal themselves. Elsewhere, I learnt that Glele's harem once overflowed with 4,000 brides - remarkably his libido and heart held out for 31 years of rule. With the appointment of their first Oba, the Igodomigodo Kingdom became the Benin Kingdom and, as reported by BBC, grew to become the Benin Empire. Since that time, increasing numbers of people throughout the country have been finding inspiration and guidance in the teachings of Bah'u'llh. shouted Remi above the cacophony. Get the very best of Wanderlustby signing up to our newsletters, full of travel inspiration, fun quizzes, exciting competitions and exclusive offers. IGHODARO AYELALA SPIRITUAL TEMPLE was incorporated in BENIN-CITY, Nigeria with Registration Number 89089. I lost all my hopes getting rid of this evil spirit after trying many years get rid of him but you made the impossible thing into possible and that is out of our life. Mr Yaseen, a spiritualist with the highest level of Knowledge. and interpenetrates the material world. There is also the presence of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who most recently inaugurated the AL Mahdi Mosque in 2006 in Benin. Fr. Brian contacted Fr. The artwork was displayed in galleries and used to decorate homes and public buildings. Under these obas Benin became a highly organized state. largely similar to how they were in the material world, although without any physical "The priests pray for bad spirits to fly away," said a neighbouring man, before a shriek rippled the now feverish crowd. In 2020, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will feature a program about the West African nation of Benin and how communities connect to their environment through spirituality and traditional knowledge. As Pope Benedict XVI visits Benin, widely seen as the home of Voodoo, Virgile Ahissou from BBC Afrique explains the reality behind what is often a misunderstood religion. Various chronic, recurring, or nagging conditions can be healed or greatly relieved by the more subtle processes of spiritual healing. Beninese worship a pantheon of Voodoo deities and with a good guide and a few financial inducements, authentic ceremonies can be witnessed all year round. On the initial visit the place was overgrown with tall grass and it was impossible to recognise any graves. Larger gatherings were held for public demonstrations of spirit contact and psychic phenomena. Benin City has a renowned teaching hospital and a number of factories. The kingdom of Benin (in present-day Nigeria) was plunged into a state of turmoil at the end of the fifteenth century when the oba (king) Ozolua died and left two powerful sons to dispute succession. Vodun majorly concentrates on spirits and divine elements that rule the earth, deities which govern human society and natural forces as well as spirits of individual trees, streams and rocks and defenders of a certain nation, clan or tribe. Blood and divinity are linked concepts in Vodun, and the process of animal sacrifice is seen as a way to nourish both vodun and ancestral spirits, and as a way to share ase through the human consumption of the animal. People across West Africa, especially Togo, Ghana and Nigeria hold similar beliefs but in Benin it is recognised as an official religion, followed by some 40% of the population. The Guardian reports the king's court was in the direct center of Benin City. Bishop Patrick J Kelly of Benin City was present at the mortuary for the removal of Brians remains to the Holy Cross Cathedral in Benin City. However, they realized they still needed a leader. "If your wish comes true," reminded Pascal, the Voodoo attendant, "you must return to sacrifice two chickens to Dankoli.". From the 15th through the 18th century Benin carried on an active trade in ivory, palm oil, and pepper with Portuguese and Dutch traders, for whom it served as a link with tribes in the interior of western Africa. The residents also participated in Benin City's prosperous trade market. Many associations also sponsored camps where believers could congregate in a leisurely atmosphere, have private sessions with mediums, and attend daily sances. Communion with the spiritual world is both possible and desirable, and spiritual healing is the . Rituals, related to the Benin cosmic view form an intrinsic part of life. 5.6K views 2 years ago The GeoEx trip, "Mystical West Africa" visits Ouidah, in Benin, considered the spiritual capital of African voodoo. Just like most nominal Muslims, some nominal Christians also practice traditional local religious beliefs. Feeling positive now. 2023 BBC. As reported by National Geographic, Benin was also known for its unique architecture, bronze sculptures, and practical infrastructure. Handcrafted voodoo statues for sale at the Benin Voodoo festival, near Ouidah (Shutterstock). Brian's sudden death was a huge blow to his wife, Patricia, who is still hale and hearty and living in her native Dublin, and the other members of his family. Protestantism and other Non-Catholic Christians in Benin account for 16% of the population. Instead, the main altar (bereft of human skulls) was a dribbling accumulation of wax and oil that reminded me of a cheesy table-decoration in an Italian restaurant. I walked around late every evening hoping to witness them, but I never did. Stay tuned for more research and stories from the program. Sometimes, the meat is prepared and consumed by the bokonon and his client. Every morning the irresistible aroma of freshly baked baguette drove me mad with hunger pangs and after a few days Voodoo was the last thing on my mind. Ewuare also rebuilt the capital (present-day Benin City), endowing it with great walls and moats. I sensed the Voodoo floodgates were opening. Spiritualists sought to make contact with the dead, commonly through the assistance of a medium, which is a person believed to have the ability to contact spirits directly. Filbert knew of an important Voodoo ceremony occurring in Cotonou. Most Muslims in Benin practice the Sunni which is an Islamic branch with the existence of Shi'a Muslims who are very few and are mostly expatriates from the Middle East. - Greater sense of connection to the Universe, - Stress-relief, such as lightening burdens. These images, drawn from collections across the Smithsonian, explore the material culture of Fa divination and its natural and international connections. - Ramandeep Kaur Cheema. Christianity first entered Benin around the year 1680 and gained momentum during the 19th century. 4 IZIEGBE STREET, OFF AIKHIOBARE STREET, GRA. And despite myHammer House of Horrorexpectations, not a drop of sacrificial blood was spilled, nor did any eye-bulging zombies grace the affair. People come to diviners for a medley of reasons, ranging from physical ailments to social or spiritual troubles. A letter written by Fr Michael McFadden SMA who was working in Ibadan, Oyo State and had attended thefuneral Mass in Benin City provided useful information about Brians death and the details about thefuneral Mass and burial. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. In Vodun, a religion originating in coastal West Africa, Fa (also known as Ifa) divination is a key component of religious practice. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Progress was slow and largely unproductive. Remi, a local guide, showed me the marketplace where slavers bartered 15 male Africans for one cannon. After the Mass he carried a memento from the grave and the candle used during the Mass back to Ireland with him. Google Arts and Culture reports Queen Iden was, and is, considered a hero for the sacrifice she made for the betterment of Benin city. The spiritualists understand God as infinite intelligence. Here, members of the Bah' community are working together with their . 2. The type of people who would gain benefits from consulting with a Spiritual Healer in Benin include: Spiritual healing usually picks up where other treatments left off. We passed coachloads of white-robed Christians fresh from celebrating the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Dassa-Zoume. Spiritualism absorbed many of the assumptions of the Magnetist movement but maintained that healings were the result of spirit influence rather than magnetic power. Casmin was soon swirling his beads around, eyes glazed and mumbling repetitive invocations. For more information about spiritual healing in Benin, please feel free to contact our friendly team of experts today! Brian, Sr. was born in 1917 into a family of 9 boys and 5 girls. Apostle Samuel E. Agbonifo 1970 -1992 . According to Bacon, the town was rife with "crucifixions, human sacrifices, and every horror the eye could get accustomed to blood was everywhere; smeared over bronzes, ivory, and even the walls." 13th19th century). Benin: A Country Armed With Powerful Spirituality Fundraiser TRACKS - Travel Documentaries 564K subscribers 979K views 11 months ago In human cultures in general, and perhaps particularly in. Spirits were said to have the power to levitate objects, to speak independently of the medium, to leave pictures on photographic plates, and to materialize objects, including themselves. Suddenly an ageing lady, head lolling on her neck, pulled down her top and started beating her breasts. The priest later explained, ignoring my question about sticking pins into effigies of your enemies (shame, I'd prepared a list!). Ouidah's market sells grotesque ritualistic accoutrements used in ceremonies. The city is wealthy and industrious. According to Koffi Thomas Akossi, a diviner in Ouidah, Benin, a diviner is like a guide. I was fleetingly disappointed to discover it was going to be another a Mami Wata ceremony - but not for long. - Ramandeep Kaur Cheema. Benin, one of the principal historic kingdoms of the western African forest region (fl. He established a hereditary succession to the throne and vastly expanded the territory of the Benin kingdom, which by the mid-16th century extended from the Niger River delta in the east to what is now Lagos in the west. Its numerous craftsmen were organized into guilds, and the kingdom became famous for its ivory and wood carvers. However, upon further inspection, they realized there were clear patterns in the architecture and the actual layout of the city. Authority and power are affirmed through observing ancestral veneration rituals. On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. Stay tuned for more research and stories from the program. Masked participants of the Egungun Ceremony, Benin (Shutterstock). It remains an important source of palm kernels, palm oil, and lumber. Privileged regalia. And then fate eventually smiled upon me. The Republic of Benin is a West African country that is bordered by Niger, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Nigeria. Those for whom materialistic ways of thinking have precluded belief in a life after death have been given a new hope of immortality. Benin is a religiously diverse country consisting of Atheism and Agnosticism which accounts for 7% of the population, West African folk religions and traditional beliefs aside from Vodun which accounts for 6% of Benin's population and Eckankar, Baha'i faith and other beliefs accounting for 3% of the countrys population. The main room of the house, which was in the center, was the husband's quarters, the wives' quarters were to the left of the main quarters, and the young men's quarters were on the right. Spiritualism in Benin What is Spiritualism? A sort of 'must try harder' school report, potentially remedied by sleeping under a white sheet with a light left on. Vodun which means spirit in the Ewe and Fon language is widely practiced by many West African countries mostly in the southern and central regions of Benin. Each of the city's 11 divisions included workshops, where artisans created sculptures, cast bronze plaques, and carved ivory. Latest Testimonials. Later my hotel proprietor explained it to be Gounko, a Nigerian-Yoruba Voodoo figure that chased away evil spirits. It has none of the negative connotations it has in the West and many of those who are officially Christian or Muslim also incorporate some Voodoo elements into their beliefs, especially in times of crisis. Although the majority of the population in Benin City describe themselves as Christian, many also believe in the indigenous spiritual customs. Residents also appointed judges or moderators to settle disputes and to maintain overall civility. Roman Catholic Christians account for 27% of Benin's population. Somebody had seen an evil vision, so a semi-naked Voodoosi came over, cast sanctified water over us and urged the sacrifice of a chicken to atone. The syncretism of Beninese religious life ensured some would be worshipping animist deities later that day. Between 1440 and the late 1800s, the Benin Empire thrived and became a successful center for trade. In a shady woodland glade before the charred tree-stump fetish, adorned with jawbones, I hammered a wooden peg into the gooey shrine. It remains an important source of palm kernels, palm oil, and lumber. King Ghezo's intricately carved throne rests upon four skulls of rival chiefs while beyond all taste (amid fine Portuguese silks and British cut-glass decanters) is a royal flywhisk assembled from a human cranium attached to a horsetail. The population of Benin is approximately 10.8 million people with their official dialect being French. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Spiritual guidance questions and answer sessions by Dr. James L. Thompkins and Dr. Leon Moss: Dr. Leon Moss : www.holy-tab: Spiritual: Iam Ubuntu: I am Ubuntu Ministry is available for the community for worship service. A compass of escape and meeting which rests on two main pillars: the spectacular character of the places, often classified with the UNESCO world heritage, and the charisma of the main characters who are transmitters of their respective traditions.Subscribe to see more full documentaries every week: publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week. It was registered on 19 Jul 2016 and it's current status is unknown. From the center, 30 streets, which were approximately 120 feet wide, extended out at right angles like the spokes of a wheel. Spiritual healing aims to give a person total healing. With this knowledge I headed to Porto Novo, a lagoon-facing former French colonial city of 350,000 people, 40-minutes drive from busy Cotonou, and on the flat coastal plain of south Benin's Voodoo heartland. His twosons, Paul, born in December 1951 and his younger brother, Brian, born in November 1953, just after his father had gone to Nigeria, were not old enough to fully understand the circumstances surrounding their dads death at the age of 37. In an attempt to bring her husband peace, and secure his position as Oba, Queen Iden offered herself to be sacrificed. The work you done on evil spirit it's unbelievable. Religious leaders suggested a human sacrifice would help restore order to the kingdom. Historians believe residents often dressed in bright colors, primarily blue, green, and yellow. Nowadays it's possible to meet the King of Dahomey and keep your head. Soon, 20 other women were doing the same; a lot of flesh for a modest Englishman. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, 3 Requirements To Achieve Happiness According to Epictetus, 10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men. Its brass smiths and bronze casters excelled at making naturalistic heads, bas-reliefs, and other sculptures. "If you see their eyes, you will die!" However, prior to 1897, the network of walls was nearly 10,000 miles in total length and enclosed more than 4.000 square miles of land. Incredibly, he met one man who felt sure that in those days Europeans were buried in a cemetery close to the former Police Station. No matter whether your intention is rooted in the physical, emotional, or spiritual, while the healing transmission occurs your body, mind, and spirit re-emanate and heal at the deepest essential levels. Each home was also outfitted with a well, which provided the family with fresh water. I'd fallen completely under her spell. Across Africa, the practice of divination is a way of knowing that is widely used and widely varied. Omissions? Photo by Rebecca Fenton. 1 follower Join to view profile Self-employed. The city is also linked by roads to Sapele, Siluko, Okene, and Ubiaja and is served by air and the Niger River delta ports of Koko and Sapele. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. The Non-Catholic Christians in Benin include Jehovah's Witness, Rosicrucians, Methodists, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Unification Church, Assemblies of God, Seventh-day Adventist, Celestial Christians, and Baptists. Fa divination and its variants have adapted to the needs of the diverse communities in which they are found. I was ready to converse with the spirit god Dankoli. The land, which is presently part of southern Nigeria, remained under British control until 1960. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Art and Life in Africa - University of Iowa Museum of Art - Benin Kingdom, World History Encyclopedia - Kingdom of Benin, The British Museum - Benin: an African kingdom, Humanities LibreTexts - Kingdom of Benin (1180 CE 1897 CE), kingdom of Benin - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Chasing a screaming, scattering crowd was a creature maybe 7metreshigh, a masqueraded figure, totally black and oddly tubular. n. 1. a. Blood is a nourishing force, one that builds community as it is shared between and among humans and spirits. Report this . In term s of administration , the spiritual leader/General overseers that have administered the church till date are: Most Snr. They regularly gathered together to create artwork, visit galleries, and have lively debates. Feeling positive now. Spiritual healing occurs largely among practitioners who do not see traditional religious faith as a prerequisite for effecting cures. In the tiny West African nation of Benin, Voodoo remains the state religion. Spiritualists in Benin generally believe the following: For more information about spiritualism in Benin, please feel free to contact our friendly team of experts today. The harmonious singing commenced, as before, but altogether more frenetic. The Voodoo spiritual world consists of Mahou, the supreme being and about 100 divinities - or Voodoos - who represent different phenomena, such as war and blacksmiths (Gou), illness, healing and. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH BENIN CITY (1941 - 2021) ST. . "The power of Mawa-Lissa (Voodoo's Supreme Being) sent Fa to earth as a medium to answer questions about the future," Yvette told me, also describing how the medium casts his beads into one of 256 positions that he then interprets as the word of his god. That compound is now occupied by Edo State Hospitals Management Board. McCawille immediately communicated the good news to Brian, Jr. who was about to leave Ireland on a wing and a prayer on his journey of discovery to Nigeria. Although the specific age of the home is unknown, the architectural style suggests it was built in the mid to late 1800s. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. It was a defining and joyous moment. Still, it was an enjoyable, melodious, almost gospel affair. However, my next destination, Chatwin's occult capital Ouidah, promised something a little morenoire. This approach is in harmony with any other healing work you . As reported by The Guardian, each home had three sections. Fachtna ODriscoll, SMA, the Provincial of the Irish Province, who informed him that another Irish SMA, Fr. As reported by The Guardian, the walls were largely destroyed during the Benin Punitive Expedition of 1897, and no known trace of the walls remain in the modern Benin City. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use), Living traditions of, by, and for the people. Corrections? Brian began his quest for information about the whereabouts of the grave by contacting the Colonial Office in London. Vodun is the center of the religious life and has female priesthood which can be hereditary being passed down from mother to daughter. The palace, which was declared one of Nigeria 's UNESCO Listed Heritage sites in 1999, is an architectural wonder. - When people are ill, it is common for them to say that they are low in energy; conversely when people are healthy, we talk about them bursting with energy. However, today's Benin City remains one of Nigeria's most prosperous centers of trade. Before the Mass Brian placed a laminated photo of his father and a card from his mother on the grave. - Deepening connections with other people, - Seeking greater meaning and purpose in life, - Desiring to make the world a better place, - Asking deep questions about topics such as suffering and what happens after death, - Experiencing compassion and empathy for others, - Experiencing feelings of interconnectedness, - Seeking happiness beyond material possessions or other external rewards, - Less stress, even during difficult times, - Greater capacity to handle stress and stressful situations. It was the crowning moment in a miraculous spiritual adventure. A lot of the nominal Muslims in Benin practice Islam together with their traditional local religious beliefs. Only those who live a virtuous and good existence earn the privilege of reincarnation; those who are unkind or deceitful don't get to be reborn. i am a herbal Doctor and also a spell caster i cure people of their incurable disease and also i hel Dr Susan Oduwa voodoo and herbal temple | Bnin and never miss out again. Spiritual healing is not concerned with religion or belief but instead focuses on compatibility. In Benin, Fa is predominantly associated with two ethnic groups, the Fon and the Yoruba. I followed a fanfarecortege(jazz funeral) and visited a temple writhing with pythons dedicated to the snake god Dan. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Two bulky 'monsters' galloped into the arena sending people scattering into a banana grove. As part of the healing process, some healers use touch while others will have their hands a few inches away from the clients body or will simply sit opposite their client. - Spirit beings are aware of and interested in the lives of people in the material world, especially those they have temporarily left behind in the material world. Written nearly 30 years ago, it tells of Dom Francisco de Silva, a 19th-century Brazilian migrant who became Benin's most notorious slave trader. It was spooky. Sign up for our newsletter today An attractive city of spirits worshipped by the animist Goun people, Porto Novo's most visible ghosts are world-weary French houses with honey-coloured facades and peeling shutters, and I spent my first morning exploring its fine museums. Brian served the Mass mindful of the fact that his father Brian, Sr. had also served Mass every day on board the ship, the Aureol, which had brought him to Nigeria in the company of many Irish missionaries. But Voodoo is more than a belief system, it is a complete way of life, including culture, philosophy, language, art, dance, music and medicine. Benin City's family homes were also built using fractal design. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. They are practiced in Haiti, Cuba, Brazil, and the United States as an aspect of religions such as Santeria, Voodoo, and Candombl. - These souls can communicate with the material world as spiritualists believe that His body was brought back to Agenebode where he received the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. Some Voodoo priests use herbs to cure the sick - and possibly to poison enemies. conditions - usually through a medium. Possessed by the dead, men wore flamboyant sequin-spangled capes adorned with animal and human motifs. As reported by Google Arts and Culture, Oba Ewuape faced harsh criticism and rebellion from the kingdom and chiefs almost immediately after his appointment. If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, drawing on spiritual energies or forces through spiritual healing in Benin can be extremely beneficial. On a high, I headed north to Abomey the next day. Joseph Omesa (later Monsignor) replaced him. After communing directly with the powerful Dankoli fetish, a further half-day's drive north at Savalou, Filbert and I returned south for my last day in Benin. View the profiles of professionals named "Spiritual Healer" on LinkedIn. Her second husband, Frank Sweeney, died in 1987. The Magnetists had specialized in spiritual healing and the public demonstration of magnetic phenomena (which included hypnotism). Frenzied drumming ushered the Egungun into the compound. After the Mass Bishop Kelly accompanied the funeral to the cemetery where he blessed the grave and led the prayers of Christian Burial. A musty odour reeks from dehydrated bits of crocodile snouts, hippos' feet, pigs' penises, whole chameleons, pangolins, and (look away pet-lovers) cat and dog heads. The descendants of Benins ruling dynasty still occupy the throne in Benin City (although the present-day oba has only an advisory role in government). Two brothers, Joe and Ger, and a sister, Eileen Irwin, still reside in Castlebar. There are three major public cemeteries in Benin City. bluecoat school > staff, is james rasband related to ronald rasband, re calibrating blood pressure monitors,

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